
Fashion, Art

CREATIVE MINDS, Conny Groenewegen

"Fashion Machine" is an art performance presented at the Dutch ambassador's house in Paris, in September 2016. Made of 2.000 fleece sweaters, each systematically cut in 14m stripes and knitted - on antic wooden knitting machines - into more special textile objects. This artistic installation was made for (took place initially at) Temporary Fashion Museum in Rotterdam.

Conny Groenewegen based her spatial intervention for the exhibition Fashion Data on a typical leftover product of the fast fashion industry: the fleece sweater. Originally made from another industrial relic, the PET bottle, the fleece sweater is certainly not the most adventurous fashion item that ends up in the collection bins for used clothing. However, it can be found there in massive amounts and the product is actually hardly suitable for re-sale in thrift stores or the markets of Eastern Europe, Africa and India.

For the installation 'Fashion Machine', countless fleece sweaters were cut up and the polyethylene yarn put on spools again. The exhibition space introduces a kind of sweatshop for the processing of these yarns, which are reworked into flags and mattresses. The installation makes the production mechanism and scale of the fast fashion industry tangible, while the banal material takes on a new shape and an almost activist expression on the spot.


Travels, Art



PERFECT  IMPERFECT, the beauty of accident, age & patina

An interior design book that embodies a philosophy of thoughtfulness & creativity in living.

Text by Karen McCartney, Photography Sharyn Cairns / Styling Glen Proebstel

Perfect Imperfect takes as its founding principle the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi, advocating the beauty to be found in imperfection, impermanence and the authentic. Importantly, this is done without losing sight of the benefits of living in the 21st century, where designers are merging digital technology with the handmade to produce items that combine the best of both worlds.

Glen Proebstel is a talented Interiors, Still Life & Food Stylist / Producer / Art Director from New-Zealand now based in New York. He regularly collaborates with The New York Times, H&M, Tory Burch and many more .... A truly inspiring friend.


BERNARD VENET - Les Origines 1961 - 1966

An exhibition at Espace de l'Art ConcretMouans-Sartoux, France from 12th June - 13th November 2016. We had the luck to attend the vernissage & to witness a performance by Bernard Venet - a major artist & a considerable man.

Tas de charbon, 1963 / Reliefs cartons, 1963 / Espace miroir noir, 1963